
A Behavioral Therapy Initial Consultation is a conversation between the two of us where we map out a plan for your family, classroom, or business. It is an opportunity for you to explain and/or demonstrate the challenges you are facing and to receive answers and skill instruction to conquer them. If the person with behavioral challenges is a child, it is helpful to have our discussion time occur when the child is not present and then to also have an observation time where I can see the behaviors in action.

You can expect to receive specific techniques you will be able to implement immediately as well as a plan for your next steps.

A Follow-Up Consultation is a consultation after the initial visit to further develop your skills and knowledge or to make a new plan for current challenges.

On-Going Training is a series of scheduled consultations to review skills learned in prior consultations, make adjustments as needed, develop a plan and provide instructions for implementing it to deal with current challenges, and practice other techniques you may need help with. On-going training is scheduled at at least once a month at an interval of your choosing.