Energy Healing at FTC

Fix The Connection is a brand-new company with two very different, and yet quite complementary halves. One side is Behavioral Therapy, which I have been engaged in for sixteen years. The other side is Energy Therapy, which is something I am just starting out in and enjoying immensely.

Energy Healing is an area of health that is deeply lacking. As I studied how connected our bodies, spirits, minds, and emotions are and have witnessed for myself how debilitating false beliefs and fears can be on our physical health, I decided to become trained in the SimplyHealed model of Energy Healing. It has been a journey well worth taking and I have already experienced wonderful results with my clients.

I invite you to learn more about the SimplyHealed method at Carolyn Cooper’s (the founder) website and see if this is something you will benefit from. If so, contact me at &#102&#105&#120&#116&#104&#101&#099&#111&#110&#110&#101&#099&#116&#105&#111&#110&#064&#103&#109&#097&#105&#108&#046&#099&#111&#109 to schedule an appointment.


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